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There have been many, multiple key historical events that have amazingly and supernaturally occurred on Biblical celebration days, which are holidays and festivals in Israel and by those of Jewish descent elsewhere. This shows that rather than these events occurring on such anniversaries by random chance, it has been the hand of God. This type of thing cannot be said of any other nation in the world. No matter what faith you are, you will appreciate the awesomeness of God by the information presented on this page. We are told in the new testament not to be legalistic about observing certain days, but that they are prophetic of future events. (Colossians 2: 16-17) Notes: Traditionally, in the Jewish Calendar, each day actually begins at sundown and ends at the next sundown. The Jewish Calendar actually has more than one new year for different purposes. Per the Bible, all key events in Jesus' life occurred on key festival days.
6th Day of the month of Sivan (end May/early June in Gregorian calendar): Jewish Shavu'ot or Festival of Weeks, and for Messianic Jews or Christians it is the Feast of Pentecost (Lev 23:17, 50 days after Passover or next day after 7 weeks) For Messianic Jews or Christians, the theme is that the law kills, but grace saves.
17th Day of the month of Tammuz (approx. July in Gregorian calendar): This day begins three weeks of mourning for the nation.
Note: The chance of an event happening on any particular day in the year is 1 in 365. The chance of 3 national disasters or major events occurring on the same day is 1 in 133,2256. 9th Day of the month of Av (approx. August in Gregorian calendar): A day when judgment or destruction occur.
Note 1: When the Jewish historian, Josephus, recorded the temple destruction in 70AD, he noted that he thought it was the hand of God behind it occurring on the same day as the destruction of Solomon's temple. Note 2: After expelling the Jews, England's power severely eroded. When England allowed Jews to return (during Cromwell's revolution of parliament against the king), then England began to rise as a world power. Note 3: The chance of 8 national disasters (disasters for Jews) occurring on the same day is 1 in 863,000 x 1 Trillion (863,000,000,000,000,000). 1st Day of the month of Tishri New Year for Counting Years, Sabbaticals and Jubilees, (late September in Gregorian calendar): Called: Rosh Ha'shanah or Feast of Trumpets Israel blows a series of Shofar (Ram's horn, similar to a Trumpet) blows, unless the holiday falls on a Shabbat, or Saturday when they do not blow the Shofar (Lev 23:24). Also referred to as "the Sabbath of Sabbaths" (Lev 23:32). Research shows that getting the exact meaning direct from the Hebrew as to whether "shouting" or "blowing of trumpets" was meant, the translation definition is: alarm, battle cry, blowing, blowing trumpets, joy, joyful sound, resounding, shout, shout of alarm, shout of joy, shouted, shouting, shouts of joy, signal, trumpet blast, war cries, war cry. Leviticus 23:
24 (Young's Literal Translation) Nehemiah 8:18
(Young's Literal Translation)
Note 1: Some scholars believe that the 1st day of Tishri (the seventh month) could possibility be the future date for the battle of Armageddon. Note 2: Because this festival is referred to the "Sabbath of Sabbaths" it is also possible that this festival could usher in the "great Sabbath" of the millennial reign. Note 3:
Dates for this holiday (the "eve of 1st Tishri" begins the
previous evening): 10th Day of the month of Tishri (approx. late September): The Day of Atonement A day set aside for fasting, depriving oneself of pleasures, and repenting from the sins of the previous year (Lev 23:27). This is also when a trumpet of the Jubilee year is sounded (The Jubilee year is the 50th year).
Note 1: Possible future date when Israel shall mourn for their messiah, following the battle with the Antichrist and the kings of the east at Armageddon (Zech 12:10-11). Note 2:
Dates for this holiday (the "eve of 10th Tishri" begins the
previous evening): |
15th Day of the month of Tishri (early October in Gregorian calendar): Sukkot The Feast of Tabernacles or Festival of Ingathering that lasts for seven days (Exodus 23:16. Lev 23:34-36, 39-41) where the first day is a Sabbath. The Shofar/Ram's Horn is also sounded at the beginning of this festival. One of the three pilgrimage festivals. A festival commemorating the final harvest and also the wandering in the desert (Lev 23:39).
Note 1:
Dates for this holiday (the "eve of 15th Tishri" begins the
previous evening):
Note 2:
Keeping with the Lord's harvest theme (note 3) -- the
harvesting of souls -- some believe that this could
potentially be the time of the rapture in the future.
Symbolically, it is possible that the 7 days of festival
could represent the seven years of tribulation and
at the same time seven years of marriage supper celebration
in heaven (feast of 7 days = 7 years per Bible prophecy).
The blowing of the trumpet at the beginning of the
celebration is analogous to the trumpet that will sound when
the rapture occurs, followed by a 7-year period where
simultaneously there is the marriage supper celebration
occurring in heaven (indicated by the seven feasting days in
Nehemiah 8:18), and the seven years of tribulation on earth.
Note 3: This is also the time of the year when the fall harvest occurs. Mankind's redemption revolves around a theme of harvest. Christ's resurrection was the beginning of the first fruits (beginning of harvest). Passover commemorates the Exodus from Egypt as well as marking the beginning of the harvest season. Not all Christians realize that there also were others who were resurrected after Christ, representing additional first fruits (Matthew 27:52-53 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.) In addition, there are writings from the 1st century that say there were about 12,000 people who were resurrected after Christ and witnessed during the days between Christ's resurrection and when he was translated to heaven, where they saw Jesus and witnessed that he resurrected them as well. Also among the 1st century writings are the published reports and letters of Pilate the Governor who reported about the dead who arose and witnessed. Note 4: Possible future date related to the 4th millennial temple, shown by the vision of the future 4th millennial temple (described in the prophecy by Ezekiel 40:1-2. In Israel, the 3rd temple is currently being planned. 24th Day of the month of Chisleu (November/December):
In detailed fulfillment of Isaiah, the number 14 Bomber Squadron of the Royal Flying Corps (R.A.F.) took Jerusalem "as flying birds" and defended it, and passing over it, preserved it. an indication of the Divine planning, in every detail, may be found in the motto inscribed on the badge of the bomber squadron chosen for the task which read: "I spread my wings and keep my promise." This timing also fulfills a prophetic "Seven Times" (2,520 years) after 604 B.C. the date when Nebuchadnezzar first came against Jerusalem and took the city and led away that segment of the tribe of Judah captive into Babylon. The manner of delivery in 1917 was foretold in detail by the Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 31:5): "As birds flying, so will the Lord of Hosts defend Jerusalem; defending, also He will deliver it; and passing over, He will preserve it." 1st Day of the month of Nissan (March/April): Opening day of the religious new year; new cleansing (Exodus 12: 2; 40:1-2).
Note 1: Possible future date that will be the cleansing of the millennial temple (Ezekiel 45:18). 10th Day of the month of Nissan (March/April): Sanctification, or setting apart (Exodus 12: 3). Also a description of the sacrificial lamb (Exodus 12: 5-6).
14th Day of the month of Nissan (March/April): The Passover Supper (Exodus 12: 5-6-11). Events typically represent the covenants, protection, and promises between God and man. For Messianic Jews and Christians, the sacrificial lamb symbolizes the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus as the sacrificial lamb.
Note 1: Possible future date that begins the marriage supper of the church (the saints) to the messiah, Jesus Christ. 15th Day of the month of Nissan (March/April): The Feast of Unleavened Bread or Pesach (Feast week begins); agriculturally, it represents the beginning of the harvest season in Israel. It refers to the fact that God "passed over" the houses of the Jews when he was slaying the firstborn of Egypt. In English, the holiday is known as Passover. Pesach is also the name of the sacrificial offering (a lamb) made on this holiday, as they all took part in a supper of lamb the night before leaving Egypt on their exodus. The holiday is also referred to as the Spring Festival and The Time of Our Freedom. And this day hath become to you a memorial, and ye have kept it a feast to Jehovah to your generations; -- a statute age-during; ye keep it a feast. Seven days ye eat unleavened things; only -- in the first day ye cause leaven to cease out of your houses; for any one eating anything fermented from the first day till the seventh day, even that person hath been cut off from Israel (Exodus 12:14-17, KJV). Events typically represent the covenants and promises between God and man.
17th Day of the month of Nissan (MarchApril): The Feast of First Fruits (Exodus 23:16, Lev 23:10-11). The theme is resurrection; a new beginning.
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